Writing usually considered as a difficult work by many students, mostly
they find it difficult to transfer thoughts from their mind onto pieces of writing.
Moreover, teacher in Senior High School commonly do not give enough time to
teach writing, they usually more concern in teaching reading and grammar.
according to the teachers, they do not teach writing very often because writing is
not examined in National Examination, besides according to the teacher, teaching
writing is time consuming because usually students need much time in composing
a piece of writing.
An expert says that writing is a skill that can be learned by everyone, so
the more they practice writing, the better they will write. Based on that reason, the
researcher conducted a research that gave the students a chance to have more
practice in writing by asking them to practice writing personal journal.
This research was intended to know whether or not personal journal
writing practice has a significant effect on the tenth grade students‟ recount text
writing achievement at SMAN 4 Jember in the 2011/2012 Academic Year.
The research design that was used was quasi experimental with
nonequivalent-groups post-test only design. This research took two classes of
eight classes that are used as the experimental group and the control group. In the
selection process the researcher held a homogeneity test. After the homogeneity test was held, then it was analyzed statistically by using ANOVA. After the
experimental class had gotten, then the researcher gave the treatment to the
experimental class, and after that the researcher gave post-test to both of the class.
The population of this research was the tenth grade students of SMAN 4
Jember in the 2011/2012 academic year that consists of eight classes. While, the samples of this research were two classes that are taken from eight classes of
grade X of SMAN 4 Jember in the 2011/2012 academic year that taken randomly
using lottery because the population were homogenous. The experimental class
was class X.3 that consists of 35 students, while control class was X.7 that
consists of 37 students. The experimental class was taught how to practice writing
by using personal journal and asked to practice writing using personal journal,
while the control class was taught by conventional technique that used by the
teacher that was rearrange jumbled sentences in paragraphs.
The primary data of this research were students‟ scores that were gotten
from the students‟ scores of writing post test. The primary data were collected to
compare the achievement of the two different groups after treatment. The data
were analyzed by using t-test formula. Based on the results, the statistical value of
t-test was 2.48 while the critical value of t-test with significant level 5% and the
degree of freedom 70 is 1.671. It means the statistical value of t-test is higher than
the critical value of t-test (2.48>1.671). Consequently, the null hypothesis (
formulated: “there is no significant effect of using personal journal writing
practice on the tenth grade students‟ recount text writing achievement at SMAN 4
Jember in the 2011/2012 academic year” is rejected. On the other hand, the
formulated alternative hypothesis: “there is a significant effect of personal journal
writing practice on the tenth grade students‟ recount text writing achievement at
SMAN 4 Jember in the 2011/2012 academic year” is accepted. Based on the resultof this research, it was shown that there was a significant effect of personal
journal writing practice on the tenth grade students‟ writing achievement.
- UT-Faculty of Agriculture [4325]