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dc.contributor.authorDiniyah, Nurud
dc.contributor.authorWindrati, Wiwik Siti
dc.contributor.authorRohmi, Jami'atur
dc.descriptionProgram & Abstracts lnternational Seminar EMERGING ISSUES AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS IN FOODS AND INGREDIENTS Jakarta, lndonesia; september 29th - 30th, 2010en_US
dc.description.abstractPurple sweet potato is a food rich in energy resources that have a high anthocyanin. Anthocyanin that are stored on a purple sweet potato that is beneficial to health can serve as antioxidants. Excellence of the purple sweet potato has a high anthocyanin content. With the use of LAB (lactic acic bacteria) in the fermentation production of purple sweet potato beverage can be expected as a functional beverage is rich in anthocyanin content. The aims of this research is to develop the production fuctional beverages purple sweet potato with lactic acid bacteria. The research method in this research uses descriptive method with treatment duration of fermentation. Fermentatio" duration consisting of four variations there were O, t, 2,3 and 4 days and eac" treatment was replicated 3 times, averaged and standard deviation sought then classified to form the sequence data. Subsequently made tables or charts to facilitate understanding of research results. Results showed that the condition of one day fermentation give the best treatment and the product was characterised by pH 4.53; total acid 8.79 pmol/ml; sugar content 6.63 ("Brix reducing sugar 0.1 mg/ml, turbidity 193 NTU, vitamin C content 0.016 mg/m anthocyanin content 2.71mg/ml, and antioxidant content 0.16 prmol DPPH/m organoleptic score of colour 3.44;aroma 3.24; and taste 3.56.en_US
dc.subjectFunctional Beverages, Purple Sweet Potatoen_US
dc.titleProduction of Functional Beverages Purple Sweet Potato (lpomoea batatas Blackie) with Lactic Acid Bacteriaen_US

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