LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 1876
The Effectiveness of Peer Information Toward a Change In Knowledge and Attitude Toward Child Marriage: Systematic Review
(Faculty Of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, 2023-05-21)Introduction: Child marriage is a serious global problem because it can have negative consequences for children, families, and communities. Peer information has been regarded as one of the strategies for reducing a child's ... -
Students' Ability in Analysis and Interpretation of Data from Physics Investigation About Motion Kinematics
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022-12-29)Skills to analyze and interpret data from physics investigations are an essential aspect of learning physics. This research was conducted in four senior high schools in Jember district, East Java province, Indonesia. The ... -
Numerical Simulation of Groyne in Puger Beach Jember District
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020-10-26)The Puger Fish Landing Base is located on the southern coast of Java Island, so this port is directly facing the Indian Ocean. At the entrance and exit of the ship to the harbor a groin exists. The groin is located on the ... -
Pemodelan Curah Hujan Berbasis Satelit GPM dengan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan di DAS Sampean Baru, Bondowoso
(HATHI, 2023-05-19)Pemodelan Curah Hujan Berbasis Satelit GPM dengan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan di DAS Sampean Baru, Bondowoso -
Pemodelan Debit Inflow Waduk Sampean Baru Dengan Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
(HATHI, 2021-10-30)Pemodelan Debit Inflow Waduk Sampean Baru Dengan Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) -
Prototype Sistem Kontrol dan Monitoring Suhu Udara dan Air Nutrisi pada Greenhouse Hidroponik Tanaman Selada Berbasis Telegram
(Universitas Jember, 2021-11-24)Hidroponik merupakan metode bercocok tanam atau budidaya tanaman tanpa menggunakan tanah, melainkan bercocok tanam yang menggunakan air, nutrisi, serta oksigen. Pada metode hidroponik, suhu dan kelembaban merupakan variabel ... -
Iron Overload Effects on Liver Function, Kidney function and Hemoglobin in β Thallassemia Major Patients
(Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine, 2017-11)β thalassemia, a hereditary anemia affects multiple organs. Children with ~ thalassemia major neec a regular transfusion to maintain growth ano development at normal. They also are at ... -
Diagnostic Value of Rapid Test for Ig M Antibodies to Lypopolysaccharide (Lps) Spesific Salmonella Typhi for Typhoid Fever
(-, 2007-11)rapid test for lg M antibodies has a high diagnostic value for typhoid fever. The assay uses stabilized components which can be stored at room temperature. the test does not require special equipment and may be used in ... -
Correlation of CD4 with Total Lymphocyte Counts in HIV Patients
(Proceeding ICMHS, 2016)Worldwide estimates of people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus was approximately 32 million in 2007 with thousands of people getting infected every day therapy (Obirikorang, 2012). Globally, 34 million people ... -
Correlation Between NLR (Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio) and CRP (C-Reactive Protein) in Covid-19 Patients in Jember Regency
(UNIVERSITY SAINS ISLAM MALAYSIA, 2022)Introduction: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a disease caused by novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has a prognostic role and the Creactive protein (CRP) level can predict severity ... -
Penerapan Model Spices dalam Strategi Belajar Blok VI : Abdomen
(-, 2014)Sebagian besar model SPICES sudah diterapkan dalam strategi belajar Blok VI. Keuntungan dari modul ini adalah dapat mengintegrasikan beberapa laboratorium untuk mencapai tujuan belajar sesuai standard kompetensi dokter. -
Hubungan Kadar Hemoglobin dengan Feritin pada Penderita Thalasemia
(Kongres Nasional XIV Himpunan Kimia Klinik Indonesia, 2016-04)kelebihan besi merupakan keadaan yang tidak dapat dihindari pada penderita thalassemia yang mendapatkan transfusi reguler. Kelebihan besi di tubuh akan meningkatkan reactive oxygen species (ROS). Peningkatan produksi ROS ... -
Numerical Simulation of Breakwater Layout in Puger Beach Jember Due to Tidal Wave
(IOP Publishing, 2020)Puger Beach is located in the south Coast of Java Island which is directly facing the Indian Ocean. The ease of the ship to sail is influenced by the conditions of water in the port which caused by tides. The elevation ... -
Assessment of Land Use Change in Bedadung Jember Watershed Using Landsat-8 Satellite Imagery
(IOP Publishing, 2020)Increased population growth will impact on changes in land use for human settlements and other living needs. It is caused to land use change that negatively impacts the environment if it is not managed properly. Therefore, ... -
Application of Markov Chain in Predicting Sugar Production at Candi Baru Sugar Factory, Sidoarjo
(Proceeding Konferensi Nasional Matematika (KNM) XXI, 2023-04-03)Granulated sugar is a sugar commonly used daily to manufacture food and beverages. The demand for granulated sugar continues to increase, but the number of sugar factories and the area of sugar cane in Indonesia is ... -
Expansive soil improvement of Glagahagung village, Purwoharjo sub-district, Banyuwangi district, which is chemically stabilized
(4th International Conference on Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Civil Engineering (ICRMCE 2018), 2018-07-12)Expansive soil can be easily found at Purwoharjo, a sub-district of Banyuwangi. Swelling and shrinkage behavior of the soil is usually referred to by the local community as a “moving soil” phenomenon. It causes cracks ... -
Estimation of Groundwater Potential Using the Electrical Resistivity Method - Wenner Array
(IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019)groudwater as a water resource has now become a complex national issue. Therefore, due to excessive groundwater abstraction, it is necessary to minimize the negative impact. This research aims to estimate groundwater level ... -
Identifikasi Potensi Lokasi Sumur Resapan Sebagai Imbuhan Alami Air Tanah di Kawasan Perkotaan Jember
(Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) HATHI XXXIII, 2016-11)Kota Jember (terletak 200 km di arah selatan Kota Surabaya) mengalami peningkatan ekonomi yang cukup pesat dalam 15 belas tahun terakhir ini. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya perubahan alih fungsi lahan sampai dengan ... -
Open Source Tsunami Simulation Models: A Systematic Review
(Proceedings of the 21st IAHR-APD Congress, 2018)Tsunami has less frequency of occurrence compared to other disasters such as flood, landslide, earthquake, and volcanic eruptions. Nevertheless, tsunami has caused significantly higher casualties compared to other disasters. ... -
Flood Control at Sampean Baru Dam and Gate Simulations
(Indonesian Association of Hydraulic Engineers, 2019-11)The problem of flooding that often occurs requires serious management for its control. Dams are multipurpose functions, one of them being functioning as flood control. The Sampean Baru Dam located in Bondowoso Regency, ...