Internet banking crime is a part of modern crime that many time happened in
Indonesia and causes a large number money lassed from the victim. But in our
country there isn’t the specific rule related internet banking crime. If, the internet
banking crime happened, is usually used article for the conventional crime in
criminal law (KUHP) that isn’t suitable for the internet banking crime. The
consequence is offender would have a little sanction in jail and there isn’t damages
for the victims (customers).
Base on the aforementioned background, this thesis have two aim, first to recite the
principle of law protection of internet banking customer arrange in criminal law.
Second, to analise how are formulate prevention of internet banking crime policy in
criminal law.
This thesis use normatif metode that applied conceptual approach and case
approach that related with internet banking crime.
This reseach give detail about two principle of law protection of customers. The
principle are direct protection and indirect protection . Indirect protection as like the
formulation of material of criminal in positive criminal law. Second, is direct
protection as like demages that guaranteed by offender and bank.
The formulation of material of internet banking rule in future should be change the
concept into the new concept that suitable in condition of society and criminal too.
The concept that change are concept of criminal sanction, demages, jurisdiction
principle, passive and active nasionality principle , universal principle and criminal
act that related with internet banking crime. Base on the changing of concept, I would
compare two design of rule related internet banking crime. They are criminal law
design in 2005 ( RUU tentag KUHP tahun 2005) and information technology and
electronic trade design rule.
- UT-Faculty of Law [6257]