Analisis Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Kepatuhan Perawat Dalam Penerapan Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) Pencegahan Pasien Risiko Jatuh di Rumah Sakit
Nurses are required to perform their duties in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SPO). Preventing falls is a key focus in efforts to maintain patient safety in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to analyze the internal and external factors influencing nurses' compliance with the application of fall prevention SPOs in hospitals. The study employed a quantitative research design with an observational survey conducted at Kalisat Hospital and Balung Hospital. The sample consisted of 107 nurses working in inpatient wards, with data collected through total sampling. The research variables include compliance with fall prevention SPOs, as well as internal and external factors. The instruments used were questionnaires assessing compliance, internal factors, and external factors. Data were analyzed using SEM based on PLS. The results indicated that internal factors (50.5%) and external factors (52.2%) were categorized as good, and nurses demonstrated high compliance with the fall prevention SPO (93.5%). Internal factors were found to influence nurse compliance (p-value 0.045), whereas external factors had no significant effect on compliance with the fall prevention SPO (p-value 0.948). Internal factors were identified as the dominant factors influencing nurse compliance with the fall prevention SPO in hospitals. Nurses' adherence to the fall prevention SPO is crucial for preventing patient falls, which are directly linked to patient safety standards. Improving nurses' compliance with existing SPOs is essential for reducing the risk of falls in hospitals. This underscores the importance of ongoing training and routine evaluations of nurses to ensure that procedures are consistently applied.