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dc.contributor.authorSARI, Zuni Ratna
dc.descriptionFinalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 29 Januari 2025en_US
dc.description.abstractIn recent years the production of rice, corn and soybeans has fluctuated due to a decrease in the harvested area or paddy field area in Banyuwangi Regency. The reduced area of paddy fields can be caused by the conversion of paddy fields which is not comparable to the construction of new paddy fields. Land conversion can be caused by several things, such as low crop productivity and low quality paddy fields. Fertilization is one way that can be done to increase crop productivity and the quality of paddy fields so that they can be used to produce food crops. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of total N and its distribution in the rice fields of Banyuwangi Regency, to determine the relationship of total N to CEC, C-Organic, pH, Soil texture and productivity of Rice, Corn and Soybeans and to provide recommendations on dosages and types of fertilizers containing nutrients. nitrogen. The study began by taking a number of soil samples in the rice fields of Banyuwangi Regency as many as 49 sample points (clusters) with three replications. Then the soil was dried, smoothed and analyzed in the laboratory. The results of the analysis that have been obtained and processed are then tested for normality and homogeneity to determine whether the distribution of the data is normal or not. The data obtained showed that it was not normal so that the further test used was the Spearman's Test. The results obtained indicate that the total N status consists of very low, low and moderate values that are spread over the rice fields of Banyuwangi Regency. Soil nitrogen has a correlation with the C-Organic variable and has no effect on the productivity of rice, corn and soybeans. The calculation results of fertilizer recommendations for rice with urea fertilizer ranged from 279-301 kg/ha, Mutiara 16-16-16 NPK fertilizers ranged from 6-181 kg/ha and Phonska 15-10-12 NPK fertilizers ranged from 9-290 kg/ha. In maize, the addition of urea fertilizer ranged from 175-208 kg/ha, Mutiara 16-16-16 NPK fertilizer ranged from 6-194 kg/ha, and Phonska 15-10-12 NPK fertilizers ranged from 10-290 kg/ha. Meanwhile, the addition of soybean fertilizers for urea fertilizer ranged from 0-17 kg/ha, Mutiara 16-16-16 NPK fertilizers ranged from 0-50 kg/ha and Phonska 15-10-12 NPK fertilizers ranged from 4-53 kg/ha.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDr. Subhan Arif Budiman, SP., MP.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Pertanianen_US
dc.titleRekomendasi Penambahan Pupuk Nitrogen untuk Tanaman Padi, Jagung dan Kedelai di Lahan Sawah Kabupaten Banyuwangien_US
dc.identifier.prodiIlmu Tanahen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. Subhan Arif Budiman, SP., MP.en_US

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