LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen: Recent submissions
Now showing items 741-760 of 7359
The Effect of Health Officer Role to the Program of Stunting Prevention on First 1000 Days of Life in Indonesia
(Medical Science, 2020-12)A role of health officer to prevent stunting rate was very significant, especially on first 1000 days of life. The role of health officer within program of stunting prevention was divided into three parts: basic role, the ... -
Diffusion Coefficient Calculation Of Iron In Liquid Lead Using Molecular Dynamics Method With New Mixing Rule For LennardJones Potential Parameters
(-, 2022-02-02)Diffusion Coefficient Calculation Of Iron In Liquid Lead Using Molecular Dynamics Method With New Mixing Rule For LennardJones Potential Parameters -
Gender roles in engineering design process activity: A small group exploration through collaborative argumentation
(Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 2022-10-31)Gender plays a crucial role in science and engineering education. This study aims to explore gender's role in an engineering design process (EDP) classroom, particularly in relation to argumentation skills. This qualitative ... -
Title Application of Brain Gym in Fine Motor Developmentof Early Children (Study at Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Hebat Indonesia Unit 1418 Desa Plunturan Ponorogo)
(Pancaran Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Jember, 2022-08-01)This study aims to describe the application of brain age in the subtle development of early childhood in Indonesia's great children's educational institution unit 1418 Plunturan Ponorogo Village. This research is a type ... -
Pengendalian Tegangan Inverter 3 Fasa Menggunakan Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (Svpwm) Pada Beban Fluktuatif
(Berkala SAINSTEK, 2015-10-23)Penggunaan sumber-sumber energi terbarukan yang menghasilkan sumber tegangan DC berkembang dengan pesat, namun perangkat AC lebih banyak digunakan dalam masyarakat sehingga diperlukan inverter untuk mengubah tegangan ... -
Spatial Variability of Total Nitrogen, pH, and Organic Carbon in Organic and Inorganic Farming
(Forum Geografi, 2022-12-30)Efforts have been made to transform traditional farming practices to organic method in order to ensure sus tainable production and environmental conservation. Studying the differences between these two practices through ... -
Sistem Monitoring Panel Surya Berbasis Android Secara Real-Time
(Jurnal Fortech, 2022-03-23)This Android-Based Solar Panel Current and Voltage Monitoring System is intended to be implemented properly by companies or factories where the monitoring system can be carried out in real time and anywhere using ... -
Perancangan Model Desain PETA Pandu Teknologi Informasi Masterplan E-government Smart Kampung Tahun 2021 – 2025 (Studi Kasus: Desa Kalibarukulon, Kecamatan Kalibaru, Kabupaten Banyuwangi)
(KHD Production, 2021-11-01)Pertanian ialah pekerjaan yang memiliki peranan penting di seluruh dunia, karena lebih dari 44% angkatan kerja mengantungkan hidupnya pada pertanian (International labor Organization (ILO), 2004). Sekitar 1,3 orang ... -
Comparing Coal Mining Industries and Palm Oil Plantations Impacts on The Human Security of Local Communities
(Indonesian Journal of Geography, 2022-05-01)Coal mining and palm oil plantations are important sectors for supporting development in Indonesia. However, these sectors are criticized as the cause of horizontal conflicts, deforestation, and natural disasters that ... -
Beyond the Global Agenda: State and Religious Nonstate Actors’ Responses to Human Security in Indonesia
(Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights, 2022-12-31)This article examines how state and religious non-state actors understand and make efforts to overcome human security challenges in Indonesia. The activities of these actors are largely outside the UNDP global human ... -
Health versus Economic Security: An Ambivalence of Anti-Tobacco Norm Internalisation in Indonesia
(Journal of Human Security |, 2022-02-09)It is widely accepted that tobacco is a threat to public health security. Anti-tobacco norms are intensively campaigned by international agencies, such as World Health Organisation (WHO) and nongovernment organisations ... -
Empowerment and Partnership Programs in Healthy Community Movements Through Integrated Development Posts (IDP) of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD)
(Warta Pengabdian, 2022-09-01)Optimizing the role of the community in the Healthy Community Movement (HCM) through the facilitation of health cadres at the Integrated Development Post (IDP) of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) to become an effective ... -
Edukasi dan Sosialisasi Kesehatan Lansia Pasca Pandemi COVID di Kemuning Lor Jember
(PEKAT: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022-10-04)COVID-19 causes an increase in morbidity and mortality until 2021. One of the important components in dealing with the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic is care for the elderly group. Jember Regency as one of the districts ... -
Pengaruh Pengurangan Penampang Terhadap Kerusakan Rangka Baja
(Fakultas Teknik Universitas Jember, 2017-08-09)Rangka baja sering diaplikasikan dengan jembatan pada saat ini. Jembatan merupakan struktur yang membutuhkan penanganan secara dini untuk mengetahui kerusakan dan meyakinkan bahwa jembatan aman untuk dilintasi kendaraan. ... -
Peran dan Kapalitas Ibu dalam Mencegah Stunting pada Anak di Kabupaten Jember
(Mitra Raflesia: Journal of Health Science, 2022-12-02)Stunting menggambarkan kegagalan mencapai proses pertumbuhan linear yang optimal pada anak selama masa awal kehidupan, menjadi masalah gizi utama pada anak balita, terutama di negara berkembang di dunia. Kesejahteraan ... -
Optimalisasi Tumbuh Kembang Anak Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Melalui Edukasi Jajanan Sehat Di TK Al Baitul Amien Jember
(Selaparang: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022-09-01)Pandemi COVID-19 telah terjadi di berbagai negara dan mengakibatkan krisis kesehatan dunia. Kondisi pandemi yang semakin meluas tidak hanya berdampak terhadap status kesehatan kelompok lansia, namun juga pada anak-anak ... -
Biobutanol production from cocoa pod husk through a sequential green method: Depectination, delignification, enzymatic hydrolysis, and extractive fermentation
(Bioresource Technology Reports, 2022-11-26)The effect of various treatments on the production of reducing sugar and biobutanol from cocoa pod husk (CPH) through depectination, delignification, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation was studied to obtain the ... -
SixC1−xO2 alloys: A Possible Route to Stabilize carbon-based silica-like Solids?
(Solid State Communication, 2007-11-01)Novel extended tetrahedral forms of CO2 have been synthesized recently under high-pressure conditions. We perform ab initio density functional theory calculations to investigate whether doping with Si can extend the ... -
The Experiences of Leprosy Clients Attending Self-Care Groups During Community-Based Rehabilitation for Fulfilling Their Health Needs
(Indian Journal of Leprosy, 2021-10-19)The experience of leprosy clients undergoing treatment in community-based rehabilitation (CBR) needs to be identified more deeply to reduce, prevent transmission and the disability it causes because it will impact the ...