LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen: Recent submissions
Now showing items 601-620 of 7359
Perawatan Hybrid Prosthesis dengan Precission Attachment pada Kasus Fraktur Gigi Tiruan Tetap
(stomatagnatic, 2023-03-31)Fixed partial dentures (FPD) have been shown to exhibit clinical complications due to a wide variety of factors. Commonly observed complications associated with a conventional FPD include loss of retention and tooth ... -
Perawatan Hybrid Prosthesis dengan Precission Attachment padaKasus Fraktur Gigi Tiruan Tetap
(Jurnal Stomatognatic, 2023-03-31)Fixed partial dentures (FPD) have been shown to exhibit clinical complications due to a wide variety of factors. Commonly observed complications associated with a conventional FPD include loss of retention and tooth fracture. ... -
Pengaruh Desinfeksi dengan Teknik Spray Rebusan Daun Sirih Hijau (Piper betle L.) 35 % dan Sodium Hipoklorit (NaOCl) 0,5 % pada Model Hasil Reproduksi Cetakan Alginat terhadap Stabilitas Dimensi
(Pustaka Kesehatan, 2023-03-31)Alginate is an impression matter that often used on dentistry. Some studies showed that aginate caused cross infection. it needs a disinfection product to avoid that cross infection. the disinfection matter which often ... -
Efektifitas Penggunaan Pasta Biji Kopi Robusta Sebagai Pember sih Gigi Tiruan Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Resin Akrilik Heat Cured
(Pustaka Kesehatan, 2023-03-04)Background: The most used denture base materials is heat cured acrylic resin. The disadvantages of acrylic resin are easy to absorb water and porosity that can increase surface roughness. The surface roughness can ... -
Rehabilitasi Estetik dan Fungsi Kunyah dengan Perawatan Complex Bridge
(stomatagnatic, 2023-03-31)T Complex bridge is a fixed denture that replaces missing teeth with the activities of different functions. Complex bridge design can use porcelain fused to metal restorations that combines the power, accuracy and ... -
Perbedaan Efektifitas Antibakteri Antara Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum) dan Ekstrak Daun Sirih Hijau (Piper Betle L.) Terhadap Porphyromonas Gingivalis
(Jurnal Stomatognatic, 2023-10)Almost people in the world got periodontal disease. It is about 50 % of adult population. Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) is anaerobic negative gram bacteria and played role in periodontitis, especially chronic ... -
Perbedaan Efektifitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum) pada Porphyromonas gingivalis dan Streptococcus viridans.
(stomatagnatic, 2023-03-29)Dental caries and periodontal disease has been experienced by about 90% of the people of Indonesia. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a major cause of periodontal disease particularly periodontitis. Streptococcus viridans is ... -
Inverter Design with Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation (SHE PWM) Method For Agricultural Irrigation Pump
(IEEE XPLORE, 2023-02-20)Global warming is a result of the use of fossil fuels. To overcome this problem, renewable energy sources need to be encouraged. Among the renewable energy sources that are currently the most effective are Photovoltaic ... -
Potensi Pasta Gigi Minyak Atsiri Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb) dalam Menghambat Pembentukan Plak dan Gingivitis pada Tikus yang Diinduksi Phorpyromonas gingivalis
(stomatagnatic, 2023-03-29)Gingivitis adalah penyakit inflamasi gingiva tanpa ada kehilangan perlekatan gigi yang disebabkan oleh plak. Gingivitis bersifat reversible, jika tidak dirawat dapat berkembang menjadi periodontitis. Bakteri penyebab ... -
Pengaruh kebersihan mulut dengan kesehatan gingiva pada pemakai alat orthodontik cekat
(Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students, 2022-10-01)Alat orthodontik cekat adalah salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk perawatan maloklusi. Bagian-bagian alat tersebut menempel pada gigi yang menyulitkan dalam pembersihan gigi, sehingga akan memudahkan akumulasi plak ... -
Kadar Kalsium (CA) dalam Cairan Krevikular Gingiva pada Penderita Periodontitis Kronis
(ODONTO Dental Journal, 2023-03-29)Background: Chronic periodontitis occurred mostly in productive ages. Chronic periodontitis was started by adherence and accumulation of plaque bacteria destruction. This process caused bone calcium solubitily which ... -
Obesitas Dan Penyakit Periodontal
(stomatagnatic, 2023-03-29)Obesity rate is increasing from year to year, both men and women in the group and increase the level of obesity is due to changes in lifestyle, especially diet. Obesity plays a major risk factor of chronic diseases, ... -
Daya Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Seledri (Apium graveolens L.) terhadap Porphyromonas gingivalis
(Jurnal Stomatognatic, 2023-03-29)Latar belakang: daun seledri mengandung zat antibakteri yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai obat. Kandungan tersebut diantaranya flavonoid, saponin dan tanin. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya antibakteri ... -
Perbedaan Efektifitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum) pada Porphyromonas gingivalis dan Streptococcus viridans.
(Jurnal Stomatognatic, 2023-03-29)Dental caries and periodontal disease has been experienced by about 90% of the people of Indonesia. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a major cause of periodontal disease particularly periodontitis. Streptococcus viridans is ... -
Potensi Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) Buatan Pabrik Terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Mikrobisidal Sel Neutrofil yang Dipapar Streptococcus mutans (The Potency of Manufactured Mangosteen Peel Extract (Garcin ia mangostana L.) Towards Increased Neutrophil Microbicidal Activity Exposed to Streptococcus mutans)
(e-Journal Pustaka kesehatan i, 2023-03-29)Neutrofil merupakan sel pertahanan tubuh non spesifik yang pertama kali mengatasi adanya antigen, diawali dengan perlekatan dan selanjutnya memfagosit antigen tersebut. Ekstrak kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) ... -
Pengaruh Rebusan Minyak Atsiri Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum) sebagai Bahan Pembersih Gigi Tiruan Resin Akrilik terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan dan Perubahan Warna
(Jurnal Stomatognatic, 2023-03-31)Resin akrilik sering digunakan sebagai bahan dasar gigi palsu dalam praktik perawatan gigi sehari-hari. Perendaman gigi palsu dengan desinfektan biasanya dilakukan oleh pengguna gigi tiruan untuk mencegah terjadinya ... -
The effect of Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus aspergillus fermentation on daidzein content in edamame (glycine max)
(Pharmacy Education, 2023)Background: Previous studies show that fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oligopsorus increases the aglyconic isoflavone in soybean with the highest content reached on the seventh day. Still, no research ... -
Validation and determination of Daidzein in Aspergillus oryzae using thin-layer chromatography-densitometry
(Pharmacy Education, 2023)Background: Daidzin (glycosidic isoflavone) bioconversion into daidzein (aglyconic isoflavone) increases its bioactivity. This bioconversion can be carried out using fermentation, using a fungus that has been widely used ... -
A New Multi-Component Solid of Atorvastatin Calcium with a Dipicolinic Acid Coformer for Improving the Water Solubility
(International journal of technology, 2022-03-01)t. Atorvastatin calcium is a potent active pharmaceutical ingredient that reduces blood cholesterol levels. However, oral bioavailability is low because it is difficult to dissolve in water. Therefore, further research ... -
Peranan Autopsi Forensik dan Korelasinya dengan Kasus Kematian tidak Wajar
(Refleki Hukum, 2021-10-01)Autopsi forensik tidak dapat dilepaskan dari tujuan utama penemuan penyebab pasti kematian seseorang. KUHP Pasal 222 dan KUHAP Pasal 133 dan 134, telah mengatur mengenai autopsi forensik. Adanya ketentuan mengenai ...