Modelisasi Booth Stand Portable Menggunakan Hasil Deformasi Benda Geometri Dengan Kurva Bezier dan Kurva Hermit
A portable booth stand is a versatile tool used for selling goods or services. It serves various purposes in trade activities and exhibitions. The portable booth stand consists of four parts, namely the top part, the support part, the body part, and the wheel part. In the results of the research, variations are obtained using interpolation and deformation techniques applied to cylinders, rectangular prisms, and spheres, utilizing Bezier curves and Hermite curves. The portable booth stand is created in two different models, namely model 1 and model 2. The top section is formed by deforming cylinders and rectangular prisms through dilation, translation, and cutting operations. The support section is constructed by deforming cylinders using Bezier curves of degrees n = 7, 8, and 9, as well as Hermite curves of degrees m = 2, 3, and 4. Specifically, for model 1, deformation is achieved using Bezier curves, while for model 2, deformation employs Hermite curves. The body section is built by deforming rectangular prisms using Bezier curves of degrees n = 2, 3, and 4. The wheel section is created by deforming spheres through vertical cutting and translation. The combination of these sections results in 36 variations for model 1 and 189 variations for model 2.