Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Rbl-Stem untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Komputasional Mahasiswa Menyelesaikan Masalah Pewarnaan Pelangi Antiajaib Titik dan Aplikasinya pada Desain Motif Batik
Education is one of the means in advancing human resources, because it is a basic
human need to uphold human civilisation itself to compete in the progress of the times. A
form of reform in education that can help educators in creating experts is the RBL-STEM
learning model. This reform is a form of adaptation of education to compete against the
times. RBL-STEM is associated with the problem of rainbow vertex antimagic coloring and
application to batik motif design with the aim of improving student computational skills. The
method used in this research is mixed method, which is a mixed method between quantitative
and qualitative methods. The stages used in this research are from Thiagarajan, namely the
4D model which consists of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating stages. The
validity value of the resulting device includes Student Task Design is 3.6; Student Worksheet
is 3.5; and Learning Outcome Test is 3.6. Then a trial was conducted to assess the
practicality of the device and obtained a score of 3.8. There were 17 completed students or
about 85%, the average score percentage of student activity was 93%, and 91% of students
gave positive responses. In the post test, it can be concluded that there was an increase in the
high category, namely a total of 12 students (60%), a medium level of 5 students (25%) and a
low level decreased to 3 students (15%). So it can be concluded that the learning device is
effective. The results of the paired sample T test on the pre-test and post-test scores are
0.000001485 <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in student
computational skills test scores. The results of phase portrait and N-vivo showed that K1
students fulfilled all sub-indicators although some were repeated, K2 students fulfilled 8 subindicators and K3 students only fulfilled 6 sub-indicators.