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dc.contributor.authorHAFIDHUDDIN, Muhammad Aziz
dc.descriptionFinalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 18 Juli 2024en_US
dc.description.abstractSocial changes in the Puspa Jagad community have occurred from rural communities with the agricultural sector as the main sector to become active in the tourism sector. Social change begins with society becoming more complex with the existence of the tourism sector, but does not disrupt social balance. Social change changes the structure and social roles that exist in the order of people's lives, according to the needs of the tourism sector. These changes have an impact on the social balance of society, so if the structure and management run well, it will have a positive impact. This study describes the forms of social change in the ecological tourism village of Puspa Jagad. This research aims to determine the impact of social change on the social life of the community. The approach method used is descriptive qualitative research method with data collection through in-depth interviews, moderate participatory observation, and documentation. The data analysis used in the research is through data reduction, then presenting the data, drawing temporary conclusions, and describing it through testing the validity of triangulation of techniques and sources. Village communities are communities with the agricultural sector as their source of life, but the agricultural sector cannot always be the main source. The social change that occurred in Puspa Jagad was the transition from the agricultural sector to the tourism sector. Interestingly, the social changes that occurred did not erase the natural character of village communities, but even strengthened them. The changes that have occurred are that the existence of a structure and role in tourism management is able to maintain social balance in the Puspa Jagad environment. Finally, this research provides suggestions for in the future to continue research with the theme of social change from agriculture to tourism, which so far has not been many and there are still many potential areas that have not yet been developed for tourism. This research suggests that the government always trusts the community to develop their villages according to their existing potential.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Pertanianen_US
dc.subjectSOCIAL CHANGEen_US
dc.titlePerubahan Sosial Masyarakat Kampung Wisata Ekologis Puspa Jagad Desa Semen Kecamatan Gandusari Kabupaten Blitaren_US
dc.title.alternativeSosial Change Of The Community of Ecological Tourism Village Puspo Jagad Semen Village, Gandusari, Blitar Regencyen_US
dc.identifier.prodiProgram Studi Penyuluhan Pertanianen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. Rokhani, S.P., M.Si.en_US

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