Kemampuan Mengonstruksi Definisi Segiempat dengan Tangram Berbantuan Microsoft Word pada Siswa Kelas VIII
Many students, especially students in class VIII who do not understand the concept of quadrilaterals. The students only memorized the analytic definition of quadrilaterals. Students also still do not know the relationship between types of quadrilaterals or it can be said that students also do not understand the concept of the quadrilateral itself. This study aims to determine the ability of class VIII students in constructing a quadrilateral genetic definition and to determine students' understanding of the quadrilateral concept. This research was conducted by test method. There are 2 tests, namely the geometry ability test and the ability test to construct quadrilateral definitions with Microsoft Word-assisted tangrams. After the geometry ability test is carried out, one student from high, medium, and low geometry ability will be taken as a research subject. Then, after the three subjects carried out a test of the ability to construct quadrilateral definitions with the help of Microsoft Word, the test results would be analyzed. The scores obtained by subjects with high, medium and low geometric abilities were 81.25, 71.875 and 62.5. The conclusions obtained are that students with high geometric abilities have the ability to construct high quadrilateral definitions, students with moderate geometric abilities have the ability to construct sufficient definitions, and students with low ability to construct quadrilateral definitions have the ability to construct sufficient quadrilateral definitions. However, the three students still did not understand the quadrilateral concept. This can be seen from the students when classifying quadrilaterals, namely based only on the visual shape of the shapes.