Pra-Rancangan Pabrik Dekstrin dari Bonggol Pisang dengan Proses Hidrolisis Enzimatis Kapasitas 12.000 Ton/Tahun
The banana plant is a multi-purpose plant and can be used from roots toleaves. The starch content in banana stem can be used to make dextrin. One of thepotential chemicals is dextrin which is used as a thickener. The dextrin plant madefrom banana stem is designed with a capacity of 12.000 tons/year. The rawmaterials required are 17,695.45 tons/year. In this design, dextrin is producedthrough several processes, such as the pretreatment using steam explosion andcontinued with the separation stage of lignin content, then continued with the starchhydrolysis process that produces dextrin. This process uses CSTR with catalystassistance from α-amylase enzyme. The reaction is conducted at a pressure of 1 atmand a temperature of 95°C. The slurry-shaped dextrin is fed into a Rotary VacuumFilter to separate the cake and filtrate. The dextrin is then supplied to an evaporatorto obtain high purity, then continued to a spray dryer to change the dextrin phaseinto powder. The plant is planned to be located in Krajan Hamlet, Papringan,Klakah District, Lumajang Regency with a land area of 53 hectares. The number ofemployees required is 184 people. The results of the economic analysis show thatthe net sales profit is Rp. 121.271.840.757,87. Return on investment (ROI) is 8,20%.The pay out time (POT) is 4,32 years. Thus, the break-even point (BEP) reached41,78%. Based on the economic evaluation, the desktrin plant with a productioncapacity of 12.000 tons per year is worth to be established.
- UT-Faculty of Engineering [4097]