Hubungan Praktik Diit dengan Keteraturan Klien Hipertensi Berobat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kaliwates Kabupaten Jember
Hypertension is a disease that ranks first out of the top 10 non-communicable
diseases. This is due to a person's low awareness of regular treatment. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between diet practices and
the regularity of hypertensive clients seeking treatment in the working area of the
Kaliwates Health Center, Jember Regency. The research design was Cross
Sectional which was conducted on 202 hypertensive clients using the Simple
Random Sampling sampling method. One sample Kolmogrov-Smirnove test was
used to answer the dietary practice indicator (p-value <0.001). The results of
research on diet practice variables are included in the good category (90.6%).
The results of the study on the variable regularity of treating hypertensive clients
were also in the good category (92.6%). The relationship between diet practice
and the regularity of hypertensive clients taking medication used the MannWhitney test (p-value 0.127), from the results of the two-variable test it was found
that there was no significant relationship between these variables, so further
identification was carried out and it was found that there was a relationship
between age, gender, occupation and smoking are related to the practice of
dieting for hypertensive clients, while the variables of long suffering from
hypertension are related to the regularity of hypertensive clients taking
medication. Based on the health concept of the Toeri Health Belief Model (HBM),
a person's health behavior is related to health, where they have the desire to avoid
disease and the belief that health actions will prevent or cure the disease.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1529]