Pengaruh Kompetensi dan Kompensasi Serta Motivasi Kerja sebagai Variabel Intervening terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Dosen DI Politeknik Negeri Jember
The Influence of Competence and Compensation as well as Work Motivation as
Intervening Variables on The Performance of Lecturers at The Jember State Polytechnic.
Ari Prihastutik, 210820101047; 126 Pages; 2023; Master of Management Study Program,
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember.
This study aims to analyze the effect of competence and compensation as well as
work motivation as intervening variables on the performance of lecturers at Jember State
Polytechnic. Research gaps in previous studies also participated as the basis for this study.
The population in this study is permanent lecturers who work in the Jember State
Polytechnic, which is 331 people. The sampling technique in this study uses non-probability
sampling techniques, which are sampling techniques that do not provide equal opportunities
or opportunities for each element or member of the population to be selected as a sample.
This study used the type of explanatory research. The reason for choosing this method is to
adjust to the purpose of the study, namely analyzing the relationship or influence between
variables through hypothesis testing. The analytical tools used in this study use the Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method.
The results of data processing show that hypothesis testing can answer the
formulation of research problems including: 1) Competence has a significant positive effect
on work motivation. This proves that good competence will increase work motivation, 2)
Compensation has a significant positive effect on work motivation. This proves that
appropriate compensation will increase work motivation, 3) Competence has a significant
positive effect on lecturer performance. This proves that good competence will improve
lecturer performance, 4) Compensation has a significant positive effect on lecturer
performance. This proves that appropriate compensation will improve lecturer performance,
5) Work motivation has a significant positive effect on lecturer performance. This proves
that appropriate work motivation will improve lecturer performance, 6), The results of the
pathway test show that work motivation is proven to mediate the influence of competence
on lecturer performance, 7) The results of the track test show that work motivation is proven
to mediate the effect of compensation on lecturer performance.
- MT-Management [543]