Analisis Korelasi antara Jumlah Gigi yang Tersisa dan Massa Tulang pada Perempuan Berusia 45-69 Tahun
Introduction: As they get older, the elderly experience many changes, one of which is
changes that occur in the oral cavity and are related to the number of teeth, namely
tooth loss. Losing teeth reduces the ability to chew in the elderly, so avoid foods that
have a hard texture and are difficult to chew. This can cause nutritional imbalances.
Consumption of nutrients such as protein, fiber and calcium is much lower than
people who have many teeth. Lack of calcium consumption puts elderly people at risk
of experiencing a decrease in bone mass. Purpose: The aim of this study was to
analyze the relationship between the number of remaining teeth and the bone mass in
women aged 45-69 years. Method: The method used was observational analysis with
a cross sectional design. Subjects were taken using purposive sampling techniques
with a total sample of 60 women aged between 45-69 years who met the criteria. The
examinations carried out were checking the number of remaining teeth, measuring
body weight, body height and checking bone mass using the Tanita BC-541 weight
scale with the units used being percentage. Results: The results of the Spearman
analysis test show a significance value of p = 0.00 (p<0.05) with correlation
coefficient of 0.804 which means there is a relationship between the number of
remaining teeth and the bone mass. Conclusion: The fewer the number of remaining
teeth, the lower the bone mass an elderly person has.
- UT-Faculty of Dentistry [2088]