Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Kebersihan Reproduksi Saat Menstruasi pada Santriwati di Pondok Pesantren Fatihul Ulum Al-Mahfudz Kabupaten Jember
Menstrual hygiene is a behavior or action to maintain health by paying dimension
to the cleanliness of the female area during menstruation. One of the dimension in
personal hygiene behavior is to maintain cleanliness of the genitals. The problem
with teenagers that is currently happening is the lack of attention caused by their
relatively young age, the majority of problems that often occur are related to their
reproductive organs. This study aimed to identify knowledge and behavior of
reproductive hygiene during menstruation at Fatihul Ulum Al-Mahfudz Islamic
Boarding School, Jember Regency. The research design used descriptive research
methods. The sampling method used proportional stratified random sampling. The
sample used in this study were 259 female students who were selected based on
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected using a questionnaire on
Knowledge and Behavior of reproductive hygiene during menstruation. Data
analysis used descriptive analysis presented in tables and frequencies. The results
of this study indicated that (69,1%) of adolescents have a good level of
knowledge, (30,9%) of adolescents are at a low level of knowledge, (74,5%) of
adolescents are at a good level of behavior, and (25,5%) are at a lack of
behavior. The study concludes that there was still a need to provide reproductive
health information to adolescents so that it could increase knowledge and
behavior of reproductive hygiene during menstruation among adolescents.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1531]