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dc.contributor.authorKURNIADI, M. Irfan
dc.descriptionFinalisasi unggah file repositori tanggal 7 Juni 2024_Kurnadien_US
dc.description.abstractTwo ships are currently carrying out repair activities at PT XYZ to maintain optimal ship condition. During the repair process, both ships experienced delays, with a delay of 11 days for ship X1 and 2 days for ship X2. The aim of this research is to analyze the performance of repair projects on the two ships in terms of cost and time. This research uses the Earn Value Analysis (EVA) method to assess project performance. Based on the analysis of ship . In terms of cost performance index (CPI), the value is 1.47 (CPI>1), indicating that the costs incurred are lower than the initial estimate of the cost budget. This occurs because some work has been reduced while the project is being implemented.The project schedule performance index (SPI) of ship X2 is 0.68 (SPI<1), indicating that the project is experiencing a delay of 30.2% from the initially planned schedule of 100%, with a job achievement of 69.8%. In terms of cost performance, the value is 1.15 (CPI>1), indicating that the costs incurred are lower than the initial budget estimate. The total project cost (ETC) for ship X1 is Rp99,551,207.25, with the project completion cost (EAC) amounting to Rp914,152,500, where the project completion time is delayed, and the estimated time (TE) for project completion becomes 32 days if the work conditions remain the same as on day 19. For ship X2, the ETC is - Rp187,421,500.69 with the project completion cost (EAC) totaling Rp524,990,198, where the project completion time is delayed, and the estimated time for project completion becomes 20.59 days or increases by 1 day from the planned targeten_US
dc.publisherFakultas Tekniken_US
dc.subjectShip Repairen_US
dc.subjectEarn Value Analysisen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Kinerja Proyek Reparasi dengan Metode Earned Value Analysis di PT. XYZen_US
dc.identifier.prodiTeknik Konstruksi Perkapalanen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Ahmad Yasim, S. T., M. T.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2R. Puranggo Ganjar Widityo, S. T., M. T.en_US

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