The Pragmatic Study of Flouted Maxim Done by Eleanor Young In Crazy Rich Asians Movie Script
According to Grice (1975), cooperative principle is a set of communication rules to achieve communicative goals. This principle is crucial in conversation. It will lead the hearer to avoid misunderstanding. However, speaker may flout this principle to hide their intention. In this case, speaker purposely does not fulfill the maxims in his utterance. It is also stated by Grice (1975:49) that “He may FLOUT a maxim; that is, he may BLATANTLY fail to fulfill it”. This phenomenon can be explored through pragmatic analysis. Yule (1996:35) states that “something must be more than what the words mean”. There is implicit conveyed meaning referred as implicature. This Study aims to delineate the categories of flouted maxims done by Eleanor Young in Crazy Rich Asians movie and to uncover the implied meanings of the flouted maxims. The classifying of flouted maxim is based on Grice’s cooperative principle, comprising: maxims of quantity, quality, relation, and manner. In revealing the implied meaning of the flouted maxim, the theory context of situation proposed by Brown and Yules (1983) will be applied to uncover the implied meaning.