Analisis Korelasi Antara Asupan Makronutrien Dan Status Gizi Dengan Dismenore Primer Pada Mahasiswi Preklinik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember
Pain during menstruation that does not cause any abnormalities is called
primary dysmenorrhea, while menstrual pain that is related to abnormalities in the
pelvis is called secondary dysmenorrhea. According to data from WHO, 90% of
women experience severe dysmenorrhea. The aim of this research was to find out
the correlation between macronutrient intake and nutritional status and primary
dysmenorrhea in medical pre-clinical students at the University of Jember.
This type of research was carried out with a cross-sectional study design.
The research was conducted online and carried out in December 2023-February
2024. Samples were taken using the proportionate stratified random sampling
technique. The number of samples in this study was 79 pre-clinical female students.
Data was obtained by respondents filling out the nutritional status g-form and a
questionnaire about dysmenorrhea as well as interviews via zoom to fill out the SQ FFQ questionnaire. The analytical test used in this research is the Spearman
correlation test.
The research results showed that the percentage of primary dysmenorrhea
experienced by pre-clinical students at the Faculty of Medicine, Jember University
was 86.1%, namely 68 out of 79 people. Correlation analysis resulted in no
correlation between carbohydrate intake (p=0.518), fat (p=0.124) and protein
(p=0.260) with primary dysmenorrhea. The correlation test for nutritional status
with primary dysmenorrhea also produced a significance of 0.703 (p> 0.05), which
means there is no correlation.
- UT-Faculty of Medical [1507]