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dc.contributor.authorRITONGA, Ilhamin Barkah
dc.description.abstractThe tobacco plant is a leading commodity from the plantation sector which plays an important role in the national agricultural and industrial sectors related to employment, excise, foreign exchange and taxes. The production of tobacco plants as the main raw material in the Tobacco Products Industry. East Java Province is the region with the highest tobacco production in Indonesia. The processing of tobacco into cigarette products is an agro-industry-based effort carried out to obtain added value for the product. One of the kretek cigarette manufacturers in East Java, namely CV. Triloka based in Sarikemuning Village, Senduro District, Lumajang Regency. The company, which was officially established on June 24 2021, has obtained a business establishment permit and is officially registered as an Entrepreneur of Goods Subject to Excise (NPPBKC) from the customs and excise. CV. Triloka as a newly established kretek cigarette manufacturer experienced several obstacles such as tight business competition in the Tobacco Products Industry (IHT) market. Another problem found in the field is the onslaught of illegal cigarette products that are detrimental to the state, making it difficult for new cigarette products to compete in the market because the prices offered are very low. Based on these problems, researchers are interested in conducting research with the first formulation of the problem, namely how to map or arrange a sustainable business model on CV. Triloka and what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) and business development strategies that can be implemented by CV. Triloka. Research activities are carried out using a mix method research method or a combination of descriptive and analytical. The descriptive method is used for the description and mapping of business models implemented in companies based on BMC elements. Analytical methods are used to analyze internal factors and external factors in a company in order to formulate recommendations for alternative business development strategies. The sampling method used purposive with a deliberate sampling technique and based on certain criteria to a number of five research respondents. Data collection methods used are observation techniques, structured interviews and documentation. The results of the research conducted show that: 1) The results of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis on CV. The Triloka can be mapped into nine BMC elements, where there are several elements that are appropriate, namely elements of key resources, channels, and revenue streams. Other BMC elements that still need improvement are key partnerships, key activities, value propositions, customer relationships, customer segments and cost structure. 2) The business of producing Japa clove cigarettes at CV. Triloka has an IFAS score of 2.95 and an EFAS score of 2.68. The results of the analysis of IFAS values and EFAS values in the relative competitive position matrix have intersection points in the White Area (strength-opportunity field). The results of the internal and external matrix analysis of CV. The Three Realms is in the V (growth/stability) quadrant. This White Area field is a very favorable condition, because CV. Triloka has strengths and opportunities that can be used to develop a business or business that is currently running the production of Japa clove cigarettes. The strategy that can be implemented for business development based on these conditions is to support an aggressive strategic policy through the S-O (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy by maximizing the strengths and opportunities owned by the company. These strategies include: expanding the market segment for Japa clove cigarettes, increasing the number of quality human resources in the production department to meet market needs and demands and increasing strategic sales promotions or product advertisements according to youth trends.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRena Yunita Rahman, S.P., M.Si.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Pertanianen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Pengembangan Usaha Rokok Kretek dengan Pendekatan Business Model Canvas pada CV. Triloka di Kecamatan Senduro Kabupaten Lumajangen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Rena Yunita Rahman, S.P., M.Si.en_US
dc.identifier.finalization0a67b73d_2024_06_tanggal 03en_US

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