Analisis Mutu Pelayanan Program Hospital Without Wall Aspek Post Hospital Berbasis Donabedian's Model Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di RSUD dr. Iskak Tulungagung
Background: dr. Iskak Tulungagung hospital made an innovation in healthcare service during the Covid-19 pandemic. This innovation is hospital without wall. The aim of this program is to reduce Covid-19 transmission. This program provides overall health services by integrating pre-hospital, intra-hospital, inter-hospital, and post-hospital care services through the Public Safety Center platform (PSC). Authors examine the implementation of a hospital without walls in post-hospital aspect by using Donabedian's Model to improve service quality. According to Donabedian, a good structure will produce a good process so that the outcome will also be good.
Methods: This study used a descriptive-analytic approach with a quantitative research type and a cross-sectional design. Respondents in this study were patients who underwent hospital without walls services in post-hospital aspects as many as 96 patients. The independent variables in this study are facilities, financing, interactions between nurses and patients, and waiting time. The dependent variable is patient satisfaction. The intervening variable is patient perception and the moderator variable is technology. Assessment using a Likert scale questionnaire with a value range of 1-5. Descriptive data analysis used SPSS 25 and multivariate analysis used SMARTPLS 3.0.
Result: We analysed 96 respondents and they are very satisfied with dr. Iskak Hospital services. However, they had to wait for a long time until the nurse arrived at home. Path analysis showed the facility variable affects the waiting time so that is affects patient satisfaction. Financing variable has a negative effect on patient satisfaction with the waiting time variable as an intervening variable.
Conclusion: Our study showed this program has good structure so it makes a good process and produces good patient satisfaction as an outcome. Waiting time (intervening variable) significantly associated with financing, facility, nurse-patient interaction and patient satisfaction.
- MT-Sciences of Health [122]