Penentuan Lokasi Alternatif Tempat Penampungan Sementara di Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember
The paradigm of increasing waste generation is in line with the increase in
population in an area, thus affecting the level of performance of waste service
infrastructure, one of which is TPS. Sumbersari District is one of the cities of
Jember that has the largest population and is likely to experience a decline in the
performance of TPS infrastructure. This study aims to evaluate the range and
storage of waste services by TPS in Sumbersari District and determine alternative
locations for the construction of new TPS in Sumbersari District by combining
generation calculation methods based on SNI 19-3964-1994, AHP and GIS.
Spatial analysis method used to determine current services and calculation of the
amount of waste generation served by TPS, AHP method is used to determine
priority land with predetermined variables and GIS method is used for weighting
physical aspects and spatial decision making through buffering and overlay
techniques . The results of the study showed that each TPS service range could not
serve the source area of waste generation as a whole. The current feasibility
condition of TPS reservoirs in Sumbersari District, Jember Regency on average
has a <100% reservoir, but Karimata TPS has a >100% reservoir or has a storage
condition that exceeds the capacity of the TPS. AHP weighting obtains priority
land, namely areas where the majority are land with ownership of State Rights,
Property Rights and Right of Use, land that has a distance of >1000 m from the
current TPS, and land that has the current TPS condition with a reservoir of
>100%. Meanwhile, based on the GIS method through buffering and overlay
techniques on physical aspects and priority land aspects, 10 alternative location
points were obtained with a value of 28 (Quite feasible and priority). These points
were then carried out field observations resulting in 2 suitable locations, namely
A1 in Antirogo Village and K1 in Kranjingan Village.
- UT-Faculty of Engineering [4097]