Gambaran Faktor Kejadian Bayi Prematur Di Wilayah Pertanian Kabupaten Jember
Premature birth is the occurrence of babies born in gestation less than 37
weeks. Premature babies have multifactor causes that are at risk of accelerating
early birth. This study aims to determine the picture of the incidence of premature
babies in the agricultural area of Jember Regency. This research is a quantitative
research using a descriptive analysis design. The total study population was 1766
maternity mothers at Dr. Soebandi Jember Hospital. This research used quota
sampling technique and found 105 mothers who gave birth to premature babies.
Data research using secondary data of medical records of mothers who gave birth
at RSD Dr. Soebandi Jember using the purposive sample method. The results of
the study found that the picture of the incidence factor of premature babies
showed mothers aged 20-35 years; elementary – junior high school education
level; mother does not work; pregnancy distance >24 months; the number of
parity ≤ 2 children; the mother is not preeclampsia; the mother is not anemic;
mother is not gemelli; mothers without KPD; without a history of preterm labor;
and without a history of abortion. The conclusion of this study is that overall
mothers who give birth prematurely risk not as much as mothers who are not at
risk. However, this study also found that in crosstab analysis there are distribution
of multifactor risks in mothers who give birth prematurely.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1531]