Pengembangan E-LKPD Berbasis Numerasi Menggunakan Konteks Sosial Budaya pada Materi Limas
The PISA 2018 results show the lack of numeracy skills among students in
Indonesia. These problems are caused because teachers still applying conventional
learning and the lack of use of technology. therefore the current curriculum policy
emphasizes reading and numeracy skills as well as the use of technology. The
purpose of this research is to develop a valid, practical, and effective electronic
student worksheet (E-LKPD) based on numeracy using a socio-cultural context.
This research used the Thiagaradjan (4D) model with four stages, starting with
define, design, develop, and ending with the stage disseminate. The product of this
research is an E-LKPD which is developed based on numeracy indicators and can
access online with a gadget or computer on the platform Geogebra. The research
subject is a student of VIIIB SMPN 1 Kalisat. Based on the analysis result obtained
validity level of the E-LKPD was in the valid category with the average value of all
aspects (𝑉𝑎) is 3,89. The practicality level of E-LKPD based on student
questionnaire results with a percentage value is 81,67% or being in the practical
category. The level of effectiveness of E-LKPD based on the pretest and posttest
result with an N-Gain score is 0,51 or in a category of medium effectiveness.
Therefore, the student worksheet based numeracy using a socio-cultural context is
suitable to be used in learning because it can improve student numeracy, especially
on pyramid material.