DAMPAK PROGRAM BINA KELUARGA BALITA (BKB) TERHADAP TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK BALITA 6-24 BULAN (Studi di wilayah kerja Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember)
The growth development is two difference phenomenons, but it is related and difficult
to separated, that is growth and development. The basic requirements of child to
grow and development are care pattern (parenting nutrition), love pattern (emotion
or affection), and teach pattern (mental stimulation). Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB)
Program is one of the Keluarga Berencana (KB) program which purpose is to
increase the knowledge and skills of parents and other family members to build the
growth development of toddler by their ages. The aim of this study is to analyze the
impact of Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) program to the growth development toddler 624
months.The research
type was observational analytic with cohort approaches. The
samples were toddler 6-24 months about 130 toddlers (65 toddlers who family is
participate and not participate on BKB). The research was conducted on april-august
2013 in the working area of Sumbersari subdistrict of Jember. The data was collected
through interviews with questionnaires and observations. Based on Chi-Square
results of statistical tests, it’s known that the difference of parenting nutrition, love
pattern, teach pattern, and growth development between toddler 6-24 months who
family is participate and not participate on BKB with the Sig or p = 0.0001
Effort that could be recommended for this study was cooperation between the BKB
cadre who has formed BKB group and Posyandu cadre who hasn’t formed BKB
group to informed about parenting nutrition, love pattern, teach pattern, and growth
development to increase skills and knowledge of the mother.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]