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dc.contributor.authorAminatuz Zuhriyah
dc.description.abstractDiabetes Mellitus is a one of metabolic syndrome disease that is still becomes a big health problem in the world. Diabetes mellitus disease has become a problem because the cause of death the fourth largest in the world. In Kalisat Hospital, Jember Regency, the cases of of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 as much as 156 in JanuaryMaret. The study was on observational analytic and based time, including crosssectional. This research is aimed to find out the association between the consumption rate carbohydrate (carbohydrate counting method) with blood glucose level. The sample in this study were patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 as many 45 respondent taken by systematic random sampling. The statistical analysis use a Sommers’D with α = 0,05. These result showed that age of study subject between 4059 years, most of the research subject have the female sex, relative body weight in the fat and physical activity is light. Energy need of 1100-1500, carbohydrate counting in the category of bad is 26-35 serving. Most respondent had higher level blood glucose in bad category. It was known that of independent variable was the consumption rate carbohydrate (carbohydarte counting method). There is not a association between the level of consumption of carbohydrates and blood glucose levels (p=0,218) and there is a association between the level of consumption of carbohydrates (carbohydrate counting method) and blood glucose levels (p=0,034).en_US
dc.subjectBlood Glucose Level, The Consumption Rate Carbohydrate, Carbohydrate Counting Method, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2en_US
dc.titleHUBUNGAN ANTARA TINGKAT KONSUMSI KARBOHIDRAT (METODE CARBOHYDRATE COUNTING) DENGAN KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH (Studi Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Poli Rawat Jalan RSD Kalisat Kabupaten Jember)en_US

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