Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sidoarjo Dalam Membantu Mewujudkan Kebhinekaan Global pada Mata Pelajaran IPAS BAB 6 Kelas IV SDN Kepunten
The Merdeka curriculum focuses on fundamental material and character
development of students. There is a strengthening of the profile of Pancasila
students in which there is a global dimension, it is hoped that students can
recognize and appreciate culture. The formation of cultural character in students
can be done through integrating local wisdom into learning materials through
teaching materials in the form of LKPD based on Sidoarjo local wisdom, because
it is known that LKPD in social and science material does not yet exist. The
material that explains Sidoarjo's local wisdom in the social and science subject
Chapter 6 is only diversity material in general. The purpose of this study is to
describe the development process of LKPD based on Sidoarjo's local wisdom and
to determine the validity, effectiveness, and practicality of LKPD based on
Sidoarjo's local wisdom. This research uses Borg and Gall development research
which consists of 8 stages. Data collection methods used include interviews,
student response questionnaires, learning outcomes tests, character observation,
and documentation. The results of the development of LKPD based on Sidoarjo's
local wisdom obtained a validity score of 85.5% in the very feasible category as
measured by the validation results. The effectiveness obtained a score of 95.45%
in the very effective category as measured by the learning outcomes test.
Practicality is measured from student response questionnaires, a score of 87% is
obtained in the very practical category and is measured from character
observations who earns scores in the range of 2.80-3.19 in the good category.
Based on the results of the development of LKPD based on Sidoarjo's local
wisdom, it can be concluded that LKPD based on Sidoarjo's local wisdom is very
feasible, very effective, and very practical to use in the learning process.