Pengembangan Kuis Interaktif Berbasis Kahoot pada Materi Masa Pendudukan Jepang di Lumajang Tahun 1942-1945 untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Peserta Didik di SMAN 1 Jatiroto
The low interest in learning in the history of the material during the Japanese occupation in Lumajang is the background of this research, students who are tired of quiz tools made in written form. The purpose of this study is to develop the kahoot and find out the effectiveness of the kahoot as an interactive quiz tool in increasing students' interest in learning. This development research method uses a development code and goes through a test of the validity of the product to be developed. The instrument of this study is in the form of a quiz in the form of a kahoot. Based on the results of the development analysis and the needs obtained, it proves that the Kahoot application is worthy of being used as an interactive quiz medium in history learning.