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dc.contributor.authorPRIHATININGRUM, Berlian
dc.contributor.authorPROBOSARI, Niken
dc.contributor.authorDWIATMOKO, Surartono
dc.contributor.authorWIAN, Muhammad Farid
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The results of the 2018 Riskesdas survey stated that the proportion of the population who had problems with oral health, especially caries, in the age range of 5-9 years was 92.6% and 10-14 years was 73.4%. The prevalence of active caries for Java Timur himself according to Riskesdas in 2018 was 42.4%. These results indicate that the incidence of caries in East Java is still very large. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between caries risk assessment and caries severity with the frequency of eating of school-aged children Methods: This study is an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional approach. The total population of the study was 187 students and the research subjects were students of SD Nogosari 2 Rambipuji who were taken using a purposive sampling technique using Slovin formula of 116 students with minimal sample of 65. Examination of caries risk assessment with the AAPD CAT form, caries severity level (CSI) and frequency of eating cariogenic foods was carried out using a questionnaire and direct examination. The relationship between caries risk assessment and caries severity to eating frequency was tested using the Pearson's Correlation Test. Results: There was a significant relationship between caries risk assessment and caries risk level (CSI) with eating frequency with p<0.01. 35.20% of respondents with a high cariogenic food frequency were included in the high caries risk assessment category and 59.6% of respondents with a high cariogenic food frequency pattern were included in the moderate severity category. Conclusion: The higher the frequency of cariogenic food consumption patterns, the higher the risk assessment and the severity of caries.en_US
dc.publisherJurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaranen_US
dc.subjectcaries risken_US
dc.subjectcaries severity Index (CSI)en_US
dc.titleHubungan penilaian risiko dan tingkat keparahan karies dengan frekuensi makan pada anak usia sekolah dasar: penelitian cross-sectionalen_US

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