Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan dengan Kualitas Tidur pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Puskesmas Bago Kabupaten Probolinggo
Pregnancy is the fertilization of the ovum and spermatozoa followed by the
process of nidation (implantation) which is classified into 3 trimesters namely.
Mothers will experience increased anxiety when entering the third trimester
approaching the time of delivery. Anxiety has an impact, including feeling
depressed and feeling uncomfortable, causing a decrease in sleep quality. The
design used is descriptive correlation by measuring two variables and the
approach used is cross sectional, namely the independent and dependent
variables are carried out simultaneously. The population of this study were all
pregnant women in their third trimester at the Bago Health Center, there were 84
populations and the results of the sample calculation using the Lemeshow formula
obtained 42 respondents. The sampling technique includes non-probability
sampling. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between
anxiety levels and sleep quality in third trimester pregnant women at the Bago
Health Center. The results of this study also show that anxiety levels have a
strong relationship with sleep quality. The direction of the correlation in this
study is negative, which means that if the level of anxiety is high, the quality of
sleep is poor.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1531]