Home Industry Handycraft UD Nuansa Alam di Desa Tutul Kecamatan Balung Kabupaten Jember Tahun 1994-2018
The background of this research is that of the many handycraft home industries in Tutul Village, the authors are interested in UD Nuansa Alam being one of the objects of research and is one of the oldest home industries in the village. Home Industry UD Nuansa Alam has its own charm because it always innovates in every product it produces. Products produced in this home industry include gaharu beads, bracelets, necklaces, smoking pipes, incense and agarwood sticks. The formulation of the problems in this study are: 1) How are the dynamics of UD Nuansa Alam's handycrafts in Tutul Village, Balung District, Jember Regency in 1994-2018; 2) What is the economic impact of the UD Nuansa Alam handycraft home industry on the lives of craftsmen in Tutul Village, Balung District, Jember Regency in 1994-2018. The results of the study show that UD Nuansa Alam is a handycraft home industry founded by Mr. Mulyadi. Established in 1994, Handycrafts produces necklaces, bracelets, incense sticks, agarwood beads, and aloes sticks. In defending his customers, he always creates innovative products, maintains the quality and quality of the products and maintains the sustainability of handycraft crafts so that they do not disappear with time.