The Development of My Questioning Skill During My Teaching Practicum Program: A Self-reflective Study
A teaching practicum program is a means for a pre-service teacher to train in various basic teaching skills, especially questioning skill. This article reported my journey to develop my questioning skill as a pre-service teacher during my teaching practicum program at a state senior high school in Jember. This research was designed as a self-reflective study because it reported the self in experience during my teaching practicum program. The data were in form of self-reflective journals composed based on the recording of my teaching videos. The result of the thematic analysis revealed that to develop my questioning skill, I had to encourage verbal interaction between student-teacher and control students` social strategies, make students focus on the topic, help review/check essential content and evaluate students` knowledge, stimulate students` thinking and mental activity, and prompt both low and high cognitive processes. The findings imply that in developing questioning skill, pre-service English teachers need to think about question types, questioning strategies, media, and the level of questions during their teaching practicum program.