Kebudayaan Megalitik di Kecamatan Suboh Kabupaten Situbondo
This megalithic culture in Suboh District, Situbondo Regency has its own uniqueness, namely the mortar stone, where the mortar stone in Suboh District has a hole around the main hole, where the function of the hole is to put crushed grain and there are also many archaeological remains which are not yet recorded. The purpose of this research is to add to the inventory of archaeological remains, social systems, economy and culture. The research methods are: (1) heuristics, (2) criticism, (3) interpretation, (4) historiography. Based on the results of the study, the typology of archaeological remains in Suboh District consists of three types, namely sarcophagi, stone mortars and stone monoliths with hollow stone types. The people who support megalithic culture in Suboh District already know the conception of belief that believes in ancestor spirits (acestor-worship). Social, economic and cultural life has recognized an egalitarian system of agriculture