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dc.contributor.authorPERTAMI, Rindha Rentina Darah
dc.contributor.authorSALIM, Abdurrahman
dc.description.abstractChilli (Capsicum annum L.) is a horticulture commodity that high demand because it has a high economic value. The demand for chilli increases every year as the population grows and the industry grows, requiring chilli as raw materials. The productivity of red chilli in Jember Regency is also low, only 87.68 quintals hectare-1. Fluctuations in red chilli production in Jember area are caused by several things, including an unsupportive environment such as declining soil fertility, high pest attacks, and excessive use of pesticides. Therefore, agricultural development needs to meet food needs and increase export opportunities to neighbouring countries. The parameters observed in this study were secondary data from the soil unit map. The secondary data were soil drainage, soil depth in cm, slope related to erosion, altitude, standing water, soil cation exchange capacity, and soil pH. The improvement efforts to improve the land suitability class were setting the spacing, giving organic matter, agricultural lime, phosphorus (P) fertilization, cutting and filling the land with a mound terrace system or bench terrace to reduce soil erosion.en_US
dc.publisherJurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahanen_US
dc.subjectland suitabilityen_US
dc.subjectred chilien_US
dc.titleOptimasi Penggunaan Lahan Berdasarkan Kelas Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Cabai Merah Di Kabupaten Jemberen_US

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