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dc.contributor.authorMANDALA, Marga
dc.contributor.authorBOWO, Cahyoadi
dc.contributor.authorFITRIANI, Vivi
dc.description.abstractThe Indonesian government has declared national sugar self-sufficiency since 2015. On the other hand, the area of agricultural land in Java, especially East Java, is decreasing, while national sugar consumption is increasing by 1.51% per year. The increase in consumption is not matched by an increase in sugarcane production in the field; the average sugarcane production in the land is below 60 tons/ha, decreased by 50% from the last 15 years. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the actual and potential land suitability using the geographic information system (GIS) to increase the productivity of sugarcane. The study was carried out in August-September 2021 in Sumberbaru District, Jember Regency. The study used an exploratory descriptive method by matching data on soil and environmental characteristics with a description of the ideal growing environment for sugarcane, followed by spatial mapping using GIS analysis to solve the problem. The results showed that based on matching and spatial analysis using GIS, the actual land suitability class area of the inappropriate class (N) was 7224.97 ha (46.38%), marginally suitable (S3) covering an area of 5226.31 ha (33.55%), quite suitable (S2) covering an area of 3124.89 ha (20.06%). Potential land suitability for sugarcane is not a suitable class (N) with an area of 7224.97 ha (46.38%), marginal suitable class (S3) is 5226.31 ha (33.55%), and suitable class (S1) an area of 3124.89 ha (20.06%). Villages that have the potential to develop S1 grade sugarcane in Sumberbaru District include Jamintoro Village, Yosorati Village, Pringgowirawan Village, and Rowotengah Village.en_US
dc.publisherJurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian dan Biosistemen_US
dc.subjectland suitabilityen_US
dc.subjectvolcanic landen_US
dc.subjectsugar caneen_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Tebu Di Zona Vulkanik Kaki Gunung Argopura Dengan Sistem Informasi Geografisen_US

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