Analisis Ukuran Perusahaan dan Jumlah Dewan Direksi terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan melalui Penerapan Model COSO ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT (Studi Empiris pada Emiten Indeks Kompas 100)
This study aims to analyze the determinants of the Company's Financial
Performance on Issuers of the Kompas 100 Index with the Implementation of the
COSO Enterprise Risk Management Model as an Intervening variable. The
determinant variable of the company's financial performance consists of the size of
the company and the number of the board of directors. Based on previous research,
there is a Research Gap from the results of the research provided so that researchers
are interested in re-testing by including the implementation variable of the COSO
Enterprise Risk Management model as an intervening variable. The novelty of this
research from previous researchers lies in the use of the intervening variable,
namely the application of the COSO Enterprise Risk Management model.
This research was conducted using quantitative methods which are classified
as explanatory research. Sampling in this study used a purposive sampling method,
namely a sampling technique with special considerations. The sample used in this
study is stock classified as the Compass Index 100. The sample in this study is 100
companies. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using Partial Least
Square or Smart PLS.
The results show that in the first hypothesis (H1) for the size of the company
does not affect the company's financial performance, then the company's financial
performance on the issuers of the compass index 100 did not change. The second
hypothesis (H2) shows that company size affects the implementation of COSO
Enterprise Risk Management, meaning that the higher the size of the company, the
implementation of COSO Enterprise Risk Management on issuers of the Kompas
100 Index increases. The third hypothesis (H3) shows that the number of boards of
directors affects the company's financial performance, meaning that the higher the number of boards of directors, the company's financial performance on issuers of
the Kompas 100 Index will increase. The fourth hypothesis (H4) shows that the
number of boards of directors affects the implementation of COSO Enterprise Risk
Management, meaning that the higher the number of boards of directors, the
implementation of COSO Enterprise Risk Management on issuers of the Kompas
100 Index will increase. The fifth hypothesis (H5) of the study shows that the
implementation of COSO Enterprise Risk Management has an effect on the
company's financial performance, meaning that the higher the implementation of
COSO Enterprise Risk Management, the financial performance of issuers of the
Kompas 100 Index will increase.
- MT-Accounting [54]