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dc.contributor.authorKUSBUDIONO, Kusbudiono
dc.contributor.authorPUTRI, Desi Febriani
dc.contributor.authorDAFIK, Dafik
dc.contributor.authorKRISTIANA, Arika Indah
dc.description.abstractAll graphs in this paper are simple, connected and undirected. Let r, k be natural numbers. By a proper k-coloring of a graph G, we mean a map c : V (G) → S, where |S| = k, such that any two adjacent vertices receive different colors. A total r-dynamic coloring is a proper k-coloring c of G, such that ∀v ∈ V (G), |c(N(v))| ≥ min[r, d(v) + |N(v)|] and ∀uv ∈ E(G), |c(N(uv))| ≥ min[r, d(u) + d(v)]. The total r-dynamic chromatic number, written as χ′′ r (G), is the minimum k such that G has an r-dynamic k-coloring. Finding the total r-dynamic chromatic number is considered to be a NP-Hard problems for any graph. Thus, in this paper, we initiate to study χ′′ r (G) of several classes of graphs and and their related operationsen_US
dc.publisherroceeding The 1st IBSC: Towards The Extended Use Of Basic Science For Enhancing Health, Environment, Energy And Biotechnologyen_US
dc.subjectTotal r-Dynamic Chromatic Numberen_US
dc.subjectSeveral Slasses of Graphsen_US
dc.subjectGraph Operationsen_US
dc.titleOn Total r-Dynamic Coloring of Several Classes of Graphs and Their Related Operationsen_US

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