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dc.contributor.authorPUJIASTUTI, Peni
dc.contributor.authorSAKINAH, Neira Najatus
dc.contributor.authorARINA, Yuliana Mahdiyah Da’at
dc.contributor.authorWAHYUKUNDARI, Melok Aris
dc.contributor.authorPRAHARANI, Depi
dc.contributor.authorSARI, Desi Sandra
dc.description.abstractThe prevention of gingivitis using chemicals containing antibiotics and chlorhexidine can disrupt the balance of the oral microbiota and have side effects in long-term use. A recent development in the prevention of gingivitis is the use of natural ingredients. Coffee is a natural ingredient that compounds several antibacterial and anti-inflammation properties. Purpose: The study aimed to determine the potential of toothpaste containing Robusta coffee bean extract in reducing gingival inflammation and inhibiting the formation of dental plaque. Methods: Twenty male Rattus norvegicus were divided into four groups, namely the control group and treatment groups (TG) TG25%, TG50%, and TG75%. All groups were fitted with ligature wire on the first left molar to accumulate dental plaque. After the fourth day, the ligature wire was removed, and the TG25%, TG50%, and TG75% groups were brushed once a day using toothpaste containing various concentrations of Robusta coffee extract, while the control group was brushed without using toothpaste. Plaque index, gingival index, and interleukin-1 (IL-1) expression were observed on the fifth day. The data was statistically tested using a one-way analysis of variance and post hoc least significant difference. Results: The statistical test showed that the TG75% group had the lowest value of plaque, gingival index, and IL-1 expression, while the control group had the highest (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Robusta coffee bean extract toothpaste has the potential to reduce gingival inflammation and dental plaque formation in a rat with gingivitis. The most effective concentration of Robusta coffee bean extract toothpaste in reducing gingival inflammation and dental plaque formation was 75%.en_US
dc.publisherDental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi)en_US
dc.subjectherbal toothpasteen_US
dc.subjectRobusta coffee bean extracten_US
dc.titleThe potential of toothpaste containing Robusta coffee bean extract in reducing gingival inflammation and dental plaque formationen_US

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