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dc.contributor.authorSANTOSO, Kiswara Agung
dc.contributor.authorWIRAGA, Ahmad Tanto
dc.contributor.authorRISKI, Abduh
dc.description.abstractData security is a very important thing to do so that the message or information sent to someone is not known by an uninterested person. Data security techniques that are often used today are cryptography and steganography. In this study, the data will be used in the form of text. This text message will be hidden into a container in the form of an image (cover image). Text messages will be hidden in the image using the LSB algorithm and column transposition. To strenghthen security, the text message will be encrypted first using the vigenere cipher algorithm and column transposition. The results showed that the stego image produced in plain sight is very similar to the original image (cover image), this can be seen from the PSNR value which is more than 50 even some experiments have a PSNR value of more than 60. Based on the results of MSE and PSNR analysis, it can be known that the quality of images generated by the proposed method can be categorized well. This can be seen from the value of PSNR above 50 dB and there is even above 60 dB. Based on the results of the LSB enhanced analysis, irregularities in the stego image are not visible so it will not be suspected by unauthorised people for hidden messages.en_US
dc.subjectColumn transpositionen_US
dc.subjectVigenere cipheren_US
dc.titlePenyembunyian Pesan Terenkripsi pada Citra menggunakan Algoritma LSB dan Transposisi Kolomen_US

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