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dc.contributor.authorRANTAM, Fedik A.
dc.contributor.authorPURWATI, Purwati
dc.contributor.authorSETIAWAN, Budi
dc.contributor.authorWIBISONO, Sony
dc.contributor.authorFERDIANSYAH, Ferdiansyah
dc.contributor.authorWAHYUHADI, Joni
dc.contributor.authorMOULI, Edward
dc.contributor.authorUTOMO, Dwikora N.
dc.contributor.authorSUROTO, Heri
dc.contributor.authorBUMI, Candra
dc.identifier.govdocKODEPRODI2110101#Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
dc.description.abstractInvestigating the function of combining induced rat monocytes-derived bone marrow-haemopoietic stem cell (rat BM-HSCs) with LPS and rat bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cell (rat BM-MSCs) was to analyze the acceleration of homing process mechanism in injured pancreas. Mononucleated stem cells were isolated from aspirated whole rat BM using ficoll and cultured in α-MEM complete growth medium in 10 cm petridish. After two days, adherent cells after washing twice in petridish were added α-MEM growth medium and then mesenchymal cells were characterized using CD105 marker in third passage and labeled PKH26. Then haemopoietic stem cells (HSCs) were isolated with magnetic beads CD34+ and differentiated in vitro, and then induced monocytes with LPS. Animal experiment used 28 male Wistar rats, and divided them into 4 groups. After transplantation combined, both cells between monocyte derived HSc (mHSCs) and rat BM-MSC were analyzed expression of pair box gen 4 (Pax4), pancreatic and duodenal homeobox (Pdx1), C-peptide using immunohistochemistry, then secretion of insulin and C-peptide analyzed using in-direct ELISA. Results showed that the expressions of Pax4, Pdx1, C-peptide found in the surface membrane cell F. A. Rantam et al. 334 of pancreatic cell, and secreted C-peptide and insulin were shown significant (P < 0.05) in transplanted group 2, 3 and 4, but in group 3 were transplanted with combined cells more dominant than non-combined cells. Conclusions suggested that combining of induced monocytes-derived HSCs and rat BM-MSCs has accelerated homing MSCs into injured pancreatic tissue.en_US
dc.publisherJ. Biomedical Science and Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectInduced Monocyte Derived HSCsen_US
dc.subjectRat BM-MSCsen_US
dc.subjectInjured Pancreasen_US
dc.titleInduced Monocytes-Derived HSCs (CD34+) with LPS Accelerated Homing Rat Bone Marrow-Mesenchymal Stem Cell (BM-MSCs, CD105) in Injured Pancreasen_US

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