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dc.contributor.authorLESTARI, Sri
dc.contributor.authorJAYANTI, Arini Tri
dc.contributor.authorAPRIYONO, Dwi Kartika
dc.contributor.authorSULISTIYANI, Sulistiyani
dc.description.abstractEnterococcusfaecalisisabacteriumthatisoftenfoundinrootcanalsofteeth and can survive in them even after treatment.The use of 2.5% NaOCl as a root canal irrigation material has disadvantages; toxic and irritating, so other alternatives are needed. Green okra extract contains flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and terpenoids which have antibacterial properties. This studyaimstodeterminetheinhibition of green okra extractagainstE.faecalis.Itwasdoneexperimentallaboratoryresearchwith a posttest-only control groupdesign.Theinhibitiontestusedthediscdiffusionmethodwhichconsistedof5researchgroups,i.e. greenokraextractwithconcentrationsof1.563%,3.125%,6.25%,12.5%,and2.5%NaOCl.Data were analyzed using non-parametricstatisticaltestsKruskalWallisandMannWhitney.Theaverage of the inhibitionzonediameterofthegreenokraextract concentrations were 1.563% (0 mm), 3.125% (0 mm), 6.25% (15.9 mm), 12.5% (18.03 mm), and 2.5% NaOCl (24.07 mm). TheKruskal Wallis test showed a significance valueof0.000(p<0.05) which meant that there was a difference in the research group,followedbytheMannWhitneytestwhichshowed there were significant differences between all research groups except between green okra extract concentrations of 1.563% and 3.125%. It was concluded that green okra extract had an inhibitory effect on the growth of E.faecalis at concentrations of 6.25% and 12.5%.en_US
dc.publisherMakassar Dental Journalen_US
dc.subjectEnterococcus faecalisen_US
dc.subjectgreen okraen_US
dc.titleInhibition of Green Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus) Extract Against Enterococcus Faecalis in Tooth Root Canalsen_US
dc.title.alternativePenghambatan Ekstrak Okra Hijau (Abelmoschus Esculentus) Terhadap Enterococcus Faecalis di Saluran Akar Gigien_US

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