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dc.contributor.authorSANTOSO, Kiswara Agung
dc.contributor.authorFARMAWATI, Fatmawati
dc.contributor.authorSUPRAJITNO, Herry
dc.description.abstractWe propose a new steganography method to hide an image into another image using matrix multiplication operations on max plus algebra. Tis is especially interesting because the matrix used in encoding or information disguises generally has an inverse, whereas matrix multiplication operations in max-plus algebra do not have an inverse. Te advantages of this method are the size of the image that can be hidden into the cover image, larger than the previous method. Te proposed method has been tested on many secret images, and the results are satisfactory which have a high level of strength and a high level of security and can be used in various operating systems.en_US
dc.publisherThe Scientifc World Journalen_US
dc.titleOn Max-Plus Algebra and Its Application on Image Steganographyen_US

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