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dc.contributor.authorFAIQOH, Elok Nur
dc.contributor.authorSURATNO, Suratno
dc.contributor.authorASYIAH, Iis Nur
dc.identifier.govdocKODEPRODI210103#Pendidkan Biologi
dc.description.abstractEducation in Indonesia is currently experiencing many problems that have an impact on the low quality of education seen from the achievements or student learning outcomes at every level and education unit. As a result of the TIMSS2015’s survey, Indonesia's position was ranked 45thfrom 48 in the field of science with an average of 397. In addition, Indonesia was also faced with other problems that known uneven education. For example, in urban areas, educational facilities and infrastructure are very advanced. Whereas in plantations area is only rely on makeshift facilities and infrastructures.So the learning is needed that can overcome the difficulties of teachers in delivering learning materials to students that are based on these problems with learning from real-world situations of students and encourage students to make a relation between the knowledge they have and the application of student’s life. A suitable learning activity is using Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Self Regulated Learning models that are related to problem-based learning and learning independence. This research is a development research using the development model of Borg and Gall (1983). The pattern of learning interactions is measured using N-Gain which measures the increase in the extent to which the target is reached from the beginning before the treatment to the target of learning outcomes after being treated. The results that obtained from cognitive learning outcomes that average of pretest is 48 while the average of posttest is 78.15, so the N-Gain score is 0.70 with the category of high increases.en_US
dc.publisherJournal of Physics: Conference Seriesen_US
dc.subjectPattern of interaction problem based learning with self regulated learning on coffee plant areaen_US
dc.titlePattern of interaction problem based learning with self regulated learning on coffee plant areaen_US

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