dc.description.abstract | Ferns spores diverse in their characteristics such as shapes, types and sizes. Thesecharacteristis are commonly used for species identification instead of the roots, stems andleaves. People can use the spores characteristics to identify the ferns species. Therefore, thereis a need to characterize the structure of ferns spores growing in mountain Gumitir coffeeplantation area. The whole mount method was used for spore preparations. Parametersobserved were the type, size, shape and ornamentation of the exine of spores. The resultsshowed the spore characters of ten ferns species. Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link.
Nephrolepis falcata (Cav.) C. Chr, Pyrrosia nummularifolia (Sw.) Ching and Pyrrosiapenangiana (Hook.) Holtt had large spores size (51-100 µm), while the others had mediumsized spores (26-50 µm). Monolete spore type was found in nine species and trilete spore typewas found only in Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link. Subspheroidal spore forms was foundin six species, while oblate spore form was found in four species. Exine ornamentation patternvaried from rugulate (3 species), baculate (2 species), scabrate, faveolate, gemmate, verrucateand echinate (the last five only in one species) with (P/E) value 0.64 - 0.97. | en_US |