Analisis Kinerja Ekspor dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Nilai Ekspor Tembakau di Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2005.I – 2009.IV
This study emphasizes on how the export performance of a commodity in the international
market when compared with the export of other commodities and also export similar
commodities from other countries.
In this study, the analysis of export performance of the approach used is the
Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (IRCA). IRCA model used in this study is the
adjustment of the model IRCA inherited a country in a region IRCA. In addition, also used
multiple linear regression (Multiple Regression Model).
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it was found that the
development of tobacco export performance in Jember regency over the past five years in
the periodization of the quarter using the Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (IRCA)
shows the results fluctuate. While the regression results indicate that (a) the exchange rate a
significant positive effecton the value of tobacco exportsin Jember district, (b) a significant
negative effectof inflation on the value of tobacco exports in Jember district, and (c) a
significant positive effect of export volumes to the value of tobacco exports in Jember.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]