Family-Based Teacher Character Education Trial In Efforts To Prevent Male Sexual Behavior In The Plantation Area Of Jember District
Background. Premarital sexual behavior among adolescents tends to increase. There has been an increase in cases of premarital
sexual behavior among adolescents in Jember, namely 47 cases in 2015 and 52 cases in 2016 and cases for the period JanuaryMarch 2017, data obtained from the Jember Police were 17 cases of premarital sexual behavior by adolescents, so they need to be
handled early through the prevention of premarital sexual behavior by adolescents. The purpose of this study is a continuation of
the research results of the research dissertation with the findings of a family-based youth character education model in the prevention
of premarital sexual behavior, it is necessary to test the model that has been produced in rural areas in the prevention of premarital
sexual behavior. This research method used experimental design (pre-experiment) with a one group pretest-postest design. The
research was conducted in collaboration with schools in rural areas of Jember Regency in preparing all resources to conduct model
trials with training activities for adolescents. The results showed that the training of adolescent character education models
significantly (sig = 0,000) was able to increase knowledge of adolescent personalities, was able to increase adolescent morality (sig
= 0.002), was able to increase the prevention of premarital sexual behavior (sig = 0.006). Conclusion: model trials in rural areas by
conducting youth character education model training can increase adolescent personal knowledge, adolescent morality and
prevention of premarital sexual behavior. and next it is suggested to try out the youth character education model in urban areas in
Jember Regency.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7342]