Infant appendicitis with perforation: a case report
Appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergencies in children. In
the USA, there are 70,000 cases are diagnosed each year. Acute appendicitis
is a rare case, barely considered in the diagnoses, and probably causes acute
abdominal sepsis in neonates. It affects males generally 75% of the time and
25%-50% of all reported cases occur in premature infant. Almost 50 cases have
been reported over the last 30 years. We reported a 5 month-old baby girl whom
transferred to our hospital from a peripheral hospital. Previously, the baby
diagnosis was low-type obstruction. At the time of admission to our hospital,
the baby presented with a history of abdominal distension and did not pass
stools after 48 h. Oxygen and oral gastric tube were administered. Exploratory
laparotomy surgery was performed through a transverse incision. This report
is a retrospective review of one patient with appendicitis perforation presented
in our hospital
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7301]