The Effectiveness of Madurese Culture Wisdom on Science Learning Sound Material in Primary School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
H F WIRAWAN, H F Wirawan
SURATNO, Suratno
SUPARTI, Suparti
DAFIK, Dafik
Show full item recordAbstract
Lack of insertion or understanding of local culture and traditions in classroom
learning will cause students to appreciate the existing culture and grow in their environment.
This research is a development research. The stages that has been through to make a valid,
practical, and effective calculus learning tool are: 1) defining stage, 2) planning stage, and 3)
developing stage. Trials that had been done are expert trials / expert validation, limited trials,
and field trials. Field trials were conducted at SD Negeri 5 Patokan in two classes, 4A and 4B
class. The research instrumentswere validation sheet, teacher's evaluation sheet, student's
evaluation sheet, observation sheet for learning implementation, test of learning outcomes, and
questionnaire for independence student's learning. Validation and practicality data analysis are
done by converting quantitative data in the form of an assessment score into qualitative data in
the form of a standard scale of five. Analysis of effectiveness data is done by determining the
percentage of mastery learning and student learning independence. Validity and practicality are
shown by the results of expert validation which show a value of 4.46; while the effectiveness
of learning is indicated by calculating the normal gain which shows 48.8% students get an
effective score; character values in students show good categories, and student responses to
learning are positive with 96% of students assessing positively towards the implementation of
learning. It can be concluded that 1) developing science teaching materials based on Madura
culture (sound material) for class 4 belongs to valid category, 2) developing science teaching
materials based on Madura culture (sound material) for class 4 belongs topractical category and
3) developing science teaching materials based on Madura culture (sound material) for class 4
belongs toeffective category.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]