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dc.contributor.authorWIDITYO, R. Puranggo Ganjar
dc.contributor.authorSAKINAH, Wazirotus
dc.contributor.authorRUDIANTO, Rudianto
dc.contributor.authorWIBOWO, Robertoes Koekoeh Koentjoro
dc.contributor.authorDWILAKSANA, Dedi
dc.contributor.authorPUSPITA, Hery Indria Dwi
dc.description.abstractPiers is a subject very important in realizing the function of the sea as a bridge in Indonesia. Each port has a form of service business data which is important especially high hydrodynamic waves, tides, currents and speed. Many researchers who conducted the study to get a measurement tool that can measure the data hydrodynamics. Marine hydrodynamics of data is very useful for maritime traffic and can even be used as a disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation at sea requires data that is especially important hydrodynamics of wave height, PASAG ebb and flow velocity. However, if the automatic measuring tools and realtime to get three important data hydrodynamics, namely wave, tidal. This study aimed to obtain accurate data on various aspects of marine hydrodynamics that can work in realtime with the output in the form of three types, namely hidodinamika prototype measuring instrument currents, waves measuring devices and measuring devices tide. Hardware or device used consisted of Arduino microcontroller with sensor buoy serves to measure waves, Arduino microcontroller also exists in the meter tidal using ultrasonic sensors, while the measuring tool flows using microcontroller Arduino with a speed sensor that uses two pairs of sensors untrasonik. Target publication of this study is reputable international proceedings in 2019.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology Researchen_US
dc.subjectMeasuring instrumentsen_US
dc.subjecthigh waveen_US
dc.subjectcurrent speeden_US
dc.titleRealtime Measurement Integrated Hydrodynamic Conditions for Improving Port Performanceen_US

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